Joint conferences of 10th International Conference on Nanotechnology (ICN2019) & 10th International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering (ICE2019)
برگزار کننده : SRPioneers
کامپیوتر و ITنانو تکنولوژیبرق و الکترونیک
- Advanced Nanomaterials:
- Nanoparticles Synthesis and applications
- Nanocomposites / Bionanocomposites Materials
- Nanofluids
- Nanostructured / nanoporous Materials and devices
- Nanostructured coatings,surfaces and membranes
- Carbon Nanostructures and devices
- Graphene
- Polymer Nanotechnology
- Soft Nanotechnology and Colloids
- Nanomaterials Fabrication,Characterization and Tools:
- Synthesis of Nanomaterials
- Sustainable Nanomanufacturing
- Nanoscale Materials Characterization
- Modeling and Simulation at the Nanoscale
- Nanoscale Electronics:
- Nano Electronics and Photonics
- Organic and Flexible Electronics
- Green Electronics
- MEMS and NEMS Devices and Applications
- Sensors and Systems
- Nanofluidics
- Nanotech for Energy and Environment:
- Nanomatrials for Clean and Sustainable Technology
- Nanotechnology for Solar Energy Collection and Conversion
- Energy Storage and Novel Generation
- Nanotech for Oil and Gas
- NanoNuclear Materials
- Fuels Applications
- Renewable Energy Technologies
- Bio Sources for Materials and Fuels
- Green Chemistry and Materials
- Water Technologies
- Smart Grid
- Nanotech in Life Sciences and Medicine:
- Bionanomaterials and Tissues Engineering
- Biosensors,Diagnostics and Imaging
- Materials for Drug and Gene Delivery
- Biomarkers and Nanoparticles
- Cancer Diagnostics,Imaging and Treatment
- Drug Delivery and Therapeutics
- Cancer Nanotechnology
- Nano Robots
- DNA nanotechnology
- Nanotoxicity
- Nanotechnology safety:
- NanoToxicology
- Risk assessment and management
- Measurement of health risk
- Exposure scenarios
- Regulation and ethical impacts
- Nano Applications:
- Food Technology
- Catalysis
- Military and Defense
- Aerospace and Vehicle Manufacturers
- Manufacturing and Construction
- Textiles
- Nanotechnology Applications in Agricultural
- Systems and/or in Medicinal Plants
- Electrical engineering:
- Active Filtering and Unity Power Factor Correction Circuits
- Active power quality controllers
- Aerospace applications
- Analysis,design,control,and applications of electrical machines and drives
- Application and Design of Power Electronic Systems
- Application of power electronics in power system and generation
- Automotive vehicles
- Bearingless drive technologies
- Bioelectric systems
- Bio-medical power electronics
- Communication
- Construction and protection
- Consumer power electronics
- Control systems
- Control of Power Converters
- Custom power devices
- Distributed generation
- Distribution networks
- Electrical Machines and Actuators
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Electro-Mechanical Energy Conversion
- EMC improvement with new materials and elements,systems
- EMC standardization
- Energy saving and compatibility of electrical drives and generators
- Energy storages
- Filters and compensators
- Fuel cell
- General power quality problems and measurements
- Grid interfaces
- Hard-switching and soft-switching static power converters
- Hybrid energy systems
- Measurements and computation-property of the power electronics circuits
- Measurements,Sensors and Observing Techniques
- Mechatronic Systems
- Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)
- Military Technology
- Modeling and simulation
- Modulation techniques
- Motion Control,Robotics,Adjustable Speed Drives
- Motor drives
- Power Converters
- Power Electronics Controllers for Power Systems
- Power Electronics converters for drives and generators
- Power Electronics education/professional development
- Power Electronics in Electrical Energy Generation,Transmission and Distribution
- Power Electronics in traction,automotive and shipping propulsion
- Power Electronics in Transportation
- Power Engineering related technologies
- Power integrated circuits (PIC)
- Power quality issues,harmonic problems and solutions
- Power Quality,Alternative Energy and Distributed Systems
- Power semiconductors,passive components and packaging technologies
- Reliability and economics
- Renewable Energy Sources
- Renewable energy Technologies
- Semiconductor Devices and Packaging
- Special Power Electronic Systems and Applications
- Switch-mode power supplies and UPS
- Telecommunications power supplies
- Test,measurement and instrumentation
- Unconventional motors and generators
- Unconventional power electronics converters
- Variable and constant speed generators
- Voltage restorers
- Computer engineering:
- Algorithms
- Artificial Intelligence
- Automated Software Engineering
- Bio-informatics
- Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing
- Biomedical Engineering
- Compilers and Interpreters
- Computational Intelligence
- Computer Animation
- Computer Architecture & VLSI
- Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems
- Computer Based Education
- Computer Games
- Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality
- Computer Graphics and Multimedia
- Computer Modeling Computer Networks
- Computer Networks and Data Communication
- Computer Security
- Computer Simulation
- Computer Vision
- Computer-aided Design/Manufacturing
- Computing Ethics
- Computing Practices & Applications
- Control Systems
- Data Communications
- Data Compression
- Data Encryption
- Data Mining
- Database Systems
- Digital Library Digital Signal and Image Processing
- Digital System and Logic Design
- Distributed and Parallel Processing
- Distributed Systems
- E-commerce and E-governance
- Event Driven Programming
- Expert Systems
- High Performance Computing
- Human Computer Interaction
- Image Processing
- Information Retrieval
- Information Systems
- Internet and Web Applications
- Knowledge Data Engineering
- Mobile Computing
- Multimedia Applications
- Natural Language Processing
- Neural Networks
- Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Pattern RecognitionPerformance Evaluation
- Programming Languages
- Reconfigurable Computing Systems
- Robotics and Automation
- Security & Cryptography
- Software Engineering & CASE
- System Security
- Technology in Education
- Technology Management
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Ubiquitous Computing
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing
- Mechanical and mechatronics engineering:
- Acoustics and Noise Control
- Advanced and Digital Manufacturing
- Advanced Energy Systems
- Advanced Materials
- Aerodynamics
- Aerospace Engineering
- Applied Mechanics
- Automation,Mechatronics and Robotics
- Automotive Systems
- Ballistics
- Bioengineering and Biomedical
- Engineering
- Biomechanics
- Composite and Smart Materials
- Compressible Flows
- Computational Mechanics
- Computational Techniques
- Controls
- Design
- Dynamical Systems
- Dynamics and Vibration
- Energy Engineering and Management
- Engineering Materials
- Engineering Systems Design and Analysis
- Fatigue and Fracture
- Fluid Dynamics
- Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
- Fluids Engineering
- Fracture
- Fuels and Combustion
- Heat and Mass Transfer
- Heat Transfer
- Instrumentation and Control
- Internal Combustion Engines
- Machinery and Machine Design
- Manufacturing and Production Processes
- Marine System Design
- Material Science and Processing
- Mechanical Design
- Mechanical Power Engineering
- Mechatronics
- MEMS and Nano Technology
- Micro and Nano Technology
- Multi body Dynamics
- Nanomaterial Engineering
- Naval Architecture and Engineering of
- Marine Systems
- New and Renewable Energy
- Noise and Vibration
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Optical Engineering
- Plasticity Mechanics
- Pollution and Environmental Engineering
- Precision mechanics,mechatronics
- Production Technology
- Quality assurance and environment protection
- Resistance and Propulsion
- Robotics,Automation and Control
- Structural Dynamics
- Mechatronics